Workshop teachers:

Nikolay Lvovich Selivanov, the workshop director. Artist/curator, theorist, teacher.
The main scientific interests and fields of his theoretical and teaching activities are: theory and practice of innovative art education for children and teenagers, development of theoretical basics for computer-based learning, history and theory of project culture, history of European teaching methods, cognitivism, educational games and activities, philosophy of technosphere, pre-industrial media history, development of creative education electronic systems for museum activities, projects that reveal, actualize and design symbolic art objects on the basis of historic and cultural research.
Types of artistic activities:
Research projects in the sphere of art education (curator and participant), interactive multimedia projects, informational art projects, hybrid art and science projects, artist’s book and mail art, accumulative objects including historic and archeological artifacts, optical projection devices and installations, dynamic art objects and installations.
Scientific degree
Ed.D. specializing in the theory and methods of teaching and mentoring. Thesis on the topic “Pedagogical conditions of integrating computer technologies into the art education of teenagers” (2009)
Curriculum Vitae
Started exhibition activities in 1983.
1987 – 2003 – auteur Creative design workshop in Krasnopresnenskaya children’s art school. Organized a computer studio in the school in 1993. Cooperated with contemporary Art Center in 1991-1995 (Yakimanka, Moscow). Exhibitions in the Shkola photo gallery. Worked as a co-organizer and co-curator of the first Russian education project in the field of contemporary art called “Incorporated Art Workshops” (IAW).
In 1995 – 2003 was a head teacher in the Russian State University for the Humanities. The author of a new area of expertise, i.e. teaching new curators for contemporary art projects in the Overall Arts History department. Got several university grants, the author of New Generation University media project representing the vision of how universities should develop in the information era (under the leadership of Y.N. Afanasiev, RSUH, 2001, CDRom).
Curator of Transgression art program from 1995. The projects are focused on the interpretation of the cultural heritage by means of contemporary art. The program is still under development. The latest project called “Kolomensk Contruction Kit” that took place in Kolomna in 2009 was timed to coincide with the opening of the Experimental Museum Technologies Center (the center was created in order to monitor projects that won in the competition called “A Changing Museum in a Changing World” designed by Potanin Charitable Foundation).
The author of a virtual “Museum laboratory” of Soros Center for Contemporary Art (1996-1998, Moscow). Expert and teacher of the programs carried out in Soros Center for Contemporary Art. Author and leader of an Internet project "Online Gallery" carried out together with the Press Center of Central House of Journalists (2000 - 2002). The leading specialist and the author or the keynote project “Education, Art and ICT, integration for development of one’s personality” in the UNESCO institute of Informational Technologies in Education (2003). Developer of an innovative multidiscipline education system called “Museum of Ideas. Culture. Science. Technology” for project education activities on the basis of the Unified collection of the digital education resources (National Training Foundation, 2009). Executive director of ANO "Cultural heritage in digital technologies. ADIT-PREMIA".
Curator of the yearly Russian Museum Computer Festival (from 2002) that takes place at the same time with the ADIT conference (NP “Automation of the museum activity and information technologies”). Museum computer festival is a public demonstration of electronic products bearing a cultural and historic value since they revive the cultural heritage with the help of computer technologies. The festival is an education event designed for not just beginning developers, but also for ordinary visitors, young and old.
Director and creative manager of the Creative Design Workshop.

Tatiana Vladimirovna Selivanova, Ed.D. Graphic artist. Specialist in developing project thinking in the art education framework. Member of Russian Designers Union. Participated in Russian and international art exhibitions and projects. During the recent years has been actively studying the problem of integrating information technologies into the art education system. Developer and curator of the Art Education Institute official website, the editor-in-chief of the e-magazine “Pedagogika iskusstva”.

Alexandra Nikolaevna Selivanova, architect, designer, architecture historian, the Workshop graduate. PhD in architectural sciences (VNIITAG), member of Russian Artists’ Union, author and hostess of New Moscow culturology seminars in Bulgakov's State Museum (ap. 50). As a journalist, she cooperates with leading Russian architectural magazines. Winner of the museum projects competition “A Changing Museum in a Changing World” organized by Potanin Charitable Foundation. Holds the lecture series in arcitecture in the Workshop.

Fedor Mikhailovich Mikhailov, programmer, designer, the Workshop graduate. Author of innovative computer programs and study courses, the Workshop website developer and electronic publications programmer. Leads computer classes for senior and junior high school students.

Olga Nikitichna Khan, sculptor, the Workshop graduate. Participated in multiple international and Russian exhibitions and sculpture symposiums, member of Russian Artists’ Union, member of Youth exhibition committee. Leads sculpture classes for students of all ages in the Workshop.

Viktoria Vladimirovna Mayorova, photographer, designer, teacher. Has a rich experience in carrying out creative projects for children. Leads a special photography course for senior high school students in the Workshop.

Galina Nikolaevna Tarusina, history teacher. Developer of innovative teaching methods in the field of General History. Leads Civilization history classes for primary school students in the Workshop.